2nd Half Ministries (ages 50+)

Led by: Open

2nd Half Ministries at LifeSpring is a program for adults age 50+. We started this program in 2010. Our goal was to make sure that our senior adults would not be neglected or taken for granted.

2nd Half has a threefold purpose:

  • To bring people to Christ and to bring Christians to a closer, more intimate relationship with Him.
  • To minister to the relational needs of the local church.
  • To encourage others to minister. To encourage commitment to ministry in God’s kingdom.

We’re a busy group, with many activities on our church calendar. A special group, Single & Single Again, ministers to widows, divorced, and never married women. We enjoy cultural opportunities in our local community and take periodic trips. During the summer you can find many of our seniors enjoying a picnic dinner and wonderful shows at the Redlands Bowl. We’ve also enjoyed many productions of The LifeHouse Theater.

Senior adults who are in the hospital and our shut-ins are visited regularly. We are sensitive to the individual needs of those going through hard circumstances.

Highlights with senior adults often involve food! We have quarterly pot luck suppers, small Getting to Know You dinners, snacks & board games during the summer, and sometimes a movie matinee complete with theater snacks.

Our ongoing goal is to minister to senior adults in a way that will make them feel worthy and valuable, to God and to others.